Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tools to succeed in the stock market

To succeed in any kind of trade you should examine this area very well and know the strengths And points of weakness. Stock market or what is known as the Stock Exchange is one of those types that you should know a lot Them before entering them. The stock market became the assistant provides an income for many people who are in need of money to cover expenses Daily living and others to spare them his money as an investment to ensure long-term future. The most important things that will help you stock of venture is to learn the technical analysis of financial markets. I have read many books in this area and you collect the most important information, pictures, and put it in my blog for the benefit of anyone who wants to enter this field and can be your reference to learn the trading in the stock market

The definition of Technical Analysis
 Financial markets rely heavily on charts to inform investors of the changes that you know Stock price movements. Technical analysis is the study of market movement mode via graphs to predict trends Saralamstqublip.
 Standards Technical Analysis
Technical analysis is built on 3 different scales.
1 - the market settled everything
2 - trends of price movement
 3 - History repeats itself
* Movement of the market settled everything
Must know the investor in financial markets that anything can influence the Sarineks in fact On the price of general market, whether technical analysis or political events or psychological.
* Directions of the price

Sarhi direction of movement of the most important thing for the investor to focus on it so that the price trend is divided into 3 sections Ascending - Horizontal - Descending and because the goal of making the movement of share price to determine trends in the future The purpose of trading on the basis of those trends.
* History repeats itself

In order to know the objectives of the movement of future market, you must study the market in the sense that the past models Formed in the graph, which have been identified and categorized hundreds of Sunnis in the past is nothing but pictures Repeatedly reveal the psychology of the market's direction either ascending or descending or horizontal.

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